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Site Maintenance, New Coverage (Music), and [Free] T-Shirts

Man oh boy, have we been busy. Some happenings:

  • The HackCollege look. Rosario's been busy, and so have I. It's Rosario's last year as an undergrad, so she's got more than enough going on. I bought a road bike and been having plenty of fun with that while trying to brainstorm and iron out the new look (I swear).

  • Musical goodness. On my long bike rides, I've got plenty to think about. I mostly think about how to improve the site and if time travel is possible. One aspect of college life we've been missing out on has definitely been the drug-induced, questionably melodic "college" music. So we're going to start writing about good music, not necessarily the "indie" music you will hear on the latest episode of "The O.C." (Blegh.) Keep your eyes and ears peeled.

  • T-Shirts. Who doesn't like sweet t-shirts? Once I get my next paycheck, I'll be buying a few. In fact, if you're a reader and would like to represent your HackCollege love, I will buy you a t-shirt. Unfortunately, I am poor and cannot buy the whole world a t-shirt. I'll do my best. I figure everyone wins that way: you get a shirt, and other people learn about the site. And who doesn't want a free t-shirt? Shoot me an email if you're interested.

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