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Caffeine: Where's It At?

After reading Kelly's post about the sensation that is the Caffeine Slingshot,

1. Drink your caffeinated beverage of choice.
2. Take a 15 minute nap.

I decided to do a little digging and find out which energy drink or coffee packs the biggest punch. And boy do I have results. Let's take a look at Energy Fiend's Caffeine Database (which also has links and reviews).

To sum it up here, though, it appears that Starbucks Grande Coffee (372mg) has the most caffeine in it, but Starbucks Tall Coffee (279mg) is certainly not far behind.

But, if you're like me and are not a coffee drinker, you might want to check out Rockst*r Zero Carb (360mg), Wired X294 (294mg), and (if it's sold in your area) Cocaine Energy Drink (280mg).

Switching the table up to see which drink packs the most mg/oz, SkyRocket Caffeinated Syrup comes up, as do Powershot and Upshot.

For me, though, I just recently bought a case of Monster, so I'll probably stick with it before I go out trying all these new ones.

So, as always: Please drink responsibly.

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Reader Comments (4)


December 5 | Unregistered CommenterPOP

...and Think responsibly too...
any read on the caffeine in Community Coffee coming out of Louisana?

July 12 | Unregistered Commenterbv

Now for the real clincher?
For some of you older guys.
Any idea how much caffiene was in the GI coffee in the 1960's, and then before and since.
I am told that people self-medicated with it
and it helped them get through what we now call ADD. (ok ADHA for you purists. At least cheaper than Ritalin, et al.
Before I go; a thought about the impact of coffee houses on politics. A lot of the Colonist's frustration with the British was discussed in coffehouses. They fomented revolution. Maybe the ascent of Starbuck's and similar is a sign that the current resident of the White HOuse and many of the others at the Capitol is about to come to an end.Foment a change--Build more coffehouses. Not the chains, but local places. bc :)

July 12 | Unregistered Commenterbc

The Cocaine Energy Drink is no longer sold. If you get one don't drink it, it's a collectors item.

October 24 | Unregistered Commentercocaine

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