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Prepare Homemade Breakfast Items to Keep Yourself Healthy and Energized

Don't have time to eat all of this? Eat it on the go! Photo courtesy of c.a.muller. Licensed under CC BY-2.0.

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I have said this several times on HackCollege-- don't skip breakfast. Your mother was right. It is the most important meal of the day. It keeps you energized to power through all of your classes and it actually keeps you healthier. However, we usually don't have the time to sit down and eat a big, huge breakfast and we definitely don't have time to fix it. So what's a college student to do?

Take those meals on to go! It's a little hard to take a plate of eggs and bacon with you on your way to class, so here are some good, healthy breakfast ideas that you can eat in your busy schedule.

Fruit and Yogurt Smoothies

If you have a blender, this is a really tasty, healthy way to get started in the morning. All you really need is some of your favorite fruits and some yogurt. Most smoothies follow this basic recipe:

  • 1 1/2 cups of fruit, fresh or frozen (bananas, blueberries, pinapple, mango, strawberries, raspberries, or whatever other fruit you have in mind)
  • 3/4 cup of plain (or flavored, if you wish) yogurt
  • 3/4 cup of juice (orange or apple juice works well)
  • Optional: 2 tbsp of an add-in (milled flax seed, whey protein, antioxidant powder, etc)

The lovely part about this is that you can store an extra glass of leftover smoothie for tomorrow morning.

Breakfast Tacos

Breakfast tacos are a staple in the south. They've got everything you need, and it's a way you can eat eggs on the go. Scrambling eggs takes less than five minutes and then you just scoop them into a heated-up taco (flour or corn, depending on your preference), and you've got yourself a basic breakfast taco.

If tortillas aren't to your liking, you can always just make an egg sandwhich by putting your eggs between two piece of toast. Also delicious.

Granola Bars

You can always buy granola bars from your grocery or campus food store. They're easy enough to deal with, although I've never been a huge fan of their flavor and tend to add lots of sugar. Wise Bread suggests using this chewy granola bar recipe with old fashioned rolled oats, dried fruit, and dark chocolate for a homemade granola bar with a great taste from home.

Zucchini or Banana Bread

There are not a lot of things that are better than a warm slice of zucchini or banana bread with just the smallest touch of butter. It is amazing. If you're in the mood for something sweet and warm when you wake up in the morning, bake a loaf of your favorite bread and eat it all week. Chances are someone in your family has a traditional recipe for zucchini or banana bread, but if not, search around online for some recipes to test out.

Peanut Butter Toast

Whenever I have a big event going on during the day and I need to eat a big but quick breakfast, this is usually my go to choice. Peanut butter is a tasty protein choice that will keep you going through the day, and it takes all of about three minutes to make.

Also, if you are a fan of peanut butter, try my mother's favorite use of it and put it on a banana. Plop a small scoop on the top, take a bite, and repeat.

Baggie o' Cereal

This is how I survived most of college mornings. I kept a box of cereal in my room (much cheaper than buying those individual bowls of cereal they sell in the dining halls) and then filled a sandwhich bag up. I could eat it on my way to class or in class, if I was lucky enough to have professors who didn't care. This isn't ideal for most normal people who actually like milk on their cereal, but take a bottle of milk from the dining hall with you, and it works for a quick, easy breakfast.

What do you eat for breakfast? Would you try any of these alternatives? Let us know in the comments!

[via Wise Bread]

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